DIY : Turn your LED Face Jewelry into Hair Clips or Earrings! - Neon Cowboys

DIY : Turn your LED Face Jewelry into Hair Clips or Earrings!

DIY The Tumbleweed Hoodie Edit Reading DIY : Turn your LED Face Jewelry into Hair Clips or Earrings! 3 minutes Next Our Bottle Openers Make the Cutest Earrings

Turn your LED Face Jewelry into Hair Clips!

We recently got a request from a hair stylist asking if our LED Face Jewelry can translate into cute little hair accessories. And guess what?? Yes, they can! This is a pretty intense process that will take around 2 days so be patient and have fun! 

Items you will need: 

  • LED Face Jewelry
  • 24 Hour Curing Resin 
  • 1.7 Inch Silicone Circle Mold
  • UV Curing Resin
  • Hair Clips

As usual, these items will be linked below.


How to:

Starting with Part A and Part B of your 24 hour resin, place equal amounts of each into two mixing cups. I used the indentation at the bottom of the solo cup as my guide. Then mix Part B into Part A, mixing for at least 5 minutes or what the instructions on your resin kit detail. Please wear gloves as resin can give you allergies.

Once you're done, pour your resin into the silicone molds filling each mold shape about halfway. Then add in the LED Face Jewelry to each cell. Push them in a little to adhere the jewelry to the resin. Once they feel a little secure, pour the rest of the resin into each of the molds until they are filled. Let this sit and dry for about 24 hours or at least till the resin hardens.

Once you are able to remove the resin from the mold, grab your hair clip and put a small dab of the UV Curing resin in the center. Place your resin encased LED Face Jewelry on top as if you were using glue.

Using the provided UV light in the kit, hold the light over the clip and hold for approximately 30 seconds. Remove the UV light and you’ll find that a tight bond has been created between the hair clip and the LED Jewelry. Repeat this process for the second hair clip.

Now style these how you’d please and be ready to wear these beautiful clips to your next rave or club night in a whole new way! 


Love, Mirai 

Your Neon Cowboy


Links to purchase items:

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